
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Formal Wear

Hi everyone!!!
  This post doesn't include anything about the dress, see below for that.
  Okay so if you're like me, the thing you'll be most nervous about is formal wear. But you probably aren't like me, and are just excited about it and traumatized about personal introduction.
  Its very simple, to win you most look like you won the stage. The end goodnight.
  Seriously, the girl who won looked like she had all the time in the world. But you know what most defined her to me? She stood in the door way (stage way) and looked at the judges, with an amazing smile then glanced at her escort before walking. Don't ignore him. She looked like she was always in the spotlight, She looked so in control, and yes confident.
  Practice makes perfect, but when you practice, don't always use a mirror (now you're all, YES that's an awesome idea!) you won't have a mirror on stage, and you should just practice loving your dress. Walk in it, in heels, and just love the feel. Love everything, so you'll love it when you go on stage.
  Also, always wear you're imaginary crown. Seriously, this helps you when you feel stupid with anything.
  Formal wear the most common mistake- people play with their dress. It looks, well horrible, and its distracting, you always want people to look at your eyes, not your dress. Also, if the dress is too long you need it altered, but do not, I repeat, do not lift it up on stage as you walk. That is fatal flaw, don't do it.
  Do stand in pretty feet whenever you stop, even (and they shouldn't) if your feet can't be seen.
  Warning! Its very hard to make eye contact with the judges, which is why you should try to do it as you first come out. FIRST IMPRESSION is vital. They don't have the time to judge you after you leave, by the time you're walking they could already be writing down scores.
  It is dark in the audience and blinding when you first come on. Keep smiling!
  You need to walk naturally. Which is hard. It looks good if you can swing your arms without looking forced, at the shoulder more than the elbow. Don't look stiff. WALK LIKE YOU ALREADY DO. There are so many tips on how to walk well, try them, but if it's not you big deal. Its better to lose as yourself than to win as someone you aren't.
  Finally, as you leave the stage, look at the judges one last time THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE, look like you don't want to leave the stage. This is the one thing I did well.
  Above all else, have fun. Walking on stage. It's amazing if you let it be!

  Hi my name is Alicia, and for the first time I competed with National American Miss!!! And while my results were far from perfect, I am proud to say that I have won 2cd runner up in Spokes model and am trying to raise the money and go to California this November to give a speech. If you would like to help me you can donate at,

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