
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Dress :)

Okay so you've done the open call, the prep session and now you're really excited, and totally ready to get a dress!
  Number one thing you will learn in NAM, the dress isn't really what matters. Don't think I'm saying it shouldn't look good, it should, in fact it should look killer. You need to feel perfect in it. Let me repeat that you need to feel perfect in it. 
  If you're like me you are closer to flat broke, not rich, and can't really afford a dress. If you're like me you'll end up with a dress you shouldn't have worn. I actually have four "formals" all fifty and under, one free. I should have worn the one I was given, but I didn't because it was a bridesmaid dress, and I had read somewhere you shouldn't wear a bridesmaid dress.
  Don't believe everything you read.
  One thing I learned is you need a long dress. This is so true! They say you can wear any length, but you should wear a long that covers your shoes.
  Why? Number one, no one can see you're legs, which are going to do everything you don't want people to see (shake, trip, catch) a dress hides that. Two it's way more elegant. Two and a half, I think the judges take points off for short dresses.
  One of the top five had her shoes showing, but other than that there was no one in the top thirty with short dresses.
  Another thing I learned is you need to feel beautiful.
  Look, I knew I didn't look horrible, but I stood there, in my little red dress feeling awkward because number ten had THE PRETTIEST DRESS in the pageant. Number 9 and 7 both had puffy skirts, and mine was really plain. I felt really stupid standing next to them.
  Now, plain dresses are great, someone did win once with a white dress no embellishments (I bet it was a brides maids) The point is, you need to feel extra amazing in your dress. One hundred percent perfect. I cannot stress this enough.
  What do the judges usually like (although the points aren't really scored on it, the judges usually like these dresses) one color with some sort of simple&sophisticated embellishments on it.
   Keep that in mind when you're looking, but seriously, don't thrive on it.  Find a dress you love, a dress you know even if everyone else has a "number ten" dress on you'll feel great in it. LOVE YOUR DRESS above all else.
  A great place to see dress examples is pinterest, follow NAM.
  Different divisions.
  Anything below Jr.Teen. Wear straps, and full skirts (Princess should be fancy (can be more casual), but she needs to be able to walk in it. Make sure she likes it, that's what matters)
  Jr.Teen, depends on how mature you look, like everyday on whether you should go strapless. They can take points off if they think it's immodest.
  Teen doesn't matter, strapless, straps, whatever.
   Love your dress :)
  Any questions? If you want you can email me a pic of you in you're dress and I'll tell you what I think. Outside opinions are good.

Hi my name is Alicia, and for the first time I competed with National American Miss!!! And while my results were far from perfect, I am proud to say that I have won 2cd runner up in Spokes model and am trying to raise the money and go to California this November to give a speech. If you would like to help me you can donate at,

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